MQT 2024

Towards quantum control of complex cold molecules inside a cavity

Giacomo Valtolina Fritz-Haber Institute

G. Valtolina

The ability to control chemistry with optical cavities is enticing, but theory and experiment have not yet fully agreed. Cold and ultracold molecules oLer near ideal state preparation which can help in identifying the parameter space where cavities can aLect chemical reactions. Here, we want to present two diLerent experimental strategies to study polariton chemistry in the gas phase with quantum-state resolution. The first experiment entails the creation of an ultracold molecular gas of dysprosium dimers strongly coupled to an optical cavity. The second focuses on the creation of internally cold molecular ions of dysprosium monoxide. With these platforms, we plan to develop techniques for cavity-control of bimolecular reactions and for photo-ionization and -dissociation of molecular species.